Tuesday, 11 October 2011

blogging business

I am currently trying to track back and change all links to my main blog as it has moved to wordpress.com.  Hence, a post here as well.  I'm now at http://lucymillsonlife.wordpress.com.

There are two main reasons for this move - 1) Some people have enormous problems commenting on my Blogger blog and I want to be user friendly and 2) I intend eventually to self-host using wordpress.org and this seemed a step in the right direction (it's not something I can justify doing yet).

What does this mean for Thirsty Ground?  Not much at the moment; I'll be keeping this blog here (although I can't guarantee regular updates) and will review it if and when I have my own domain name.  I'm hoping to have a website where I can publicise my book (in the making) with my blog incorporated - which may mean I move this one too at that time.

If you find a link I need to change somewhere, please let me know!

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